Like accessibility in your account dashboard
You can now like and view/manage all your like articles, bulletins, guides or places in one place in your account dashboard. We've also built the ability to filter by category so you can easily find what you're looking for.
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Show your appreciation by contributing directly to articles you love. Choose your amount and get a personalized thank you message.
Submit your feedback
Help us improve! Share your thoughts on how we can make your experience better. How? We've added a new way for you to share your thoughts about The Main! Sign in and let us know what you think through our new feedback feature.
New website updates
Added the ability to share your location when you’re on a guide so you can see how close you are to the places.
New guide template! When going through a big list, it’s a chore to run through everything, so we made a grid layout. WIP - More to come on that front. You can see the template here:
Minor UX improvements
Bulletin pages
Our bulletin grid gets an updated look! Benefit from a more user friendly interface to navigate the latest curated news in the city.
Our New Changelog Page
Stay Informed: Easily track what's new and improved on The Main
Better Understanding: Clear, jargon-free descriptions help you understand how updates affect your experience
Transparency: We're keeping you in the loop about all the improvements we make to the site
Better Page Navigation
Smarter Page Numbers: We now show you exactly where you are in long article lists with a cleaner page number display
Mobile-Friendly Controls: Previous and Next buttons are now easier to tap on phones and tablets
Visual Improvements: Active page is now clearly highlighted so you always know where you are
New Search Experience
Quick Search Access: Press ⌘K (Mac) or Ctrl+K (Windows) from anywhere on the site to instantly open the search bar.
Recently Posted Content: When you open search, you'll see our most recently posted content right away
Real-time Results: Start typing and see results update instantly as you search