The Bulletin: Celebrate Cana-don't Day with these parties, pop-ups, and paloozas [Issue #83]

The Bulletin is a collection of what's happened, what’s happening, and what’s to come in and around Montreal.

The Main

The Main

June 27, 2024- Read time: 10 min

Welp, Canada Day festivities are cancelled, largely due to what many are calling 'red tape politics'. While you might be reading this and think "pffft, don't you mean Moving Day in Quebec?" (and if you are moving this weekend, our hearts go out to you), don't forget that it's a parade that attracts 120,000 people. That sucks.

What doesn't suck is the sheer wealth of stuff to do this weekend. We've been up past time our bedtime on Wednesday night trying to jam as much as we could into this lineup of parties, pop-ups, and paloozas—not to mention all of the restaurant openings, fireworks displays, lowkey weird beach psytrance dance-offs, and news from the last week.

This summer's seeing more red tape than usual, but it's still going hard.

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Activities, parties, points of interest, art exhibitions, you name it: These are the weekend events you don't want to miss.





  • @vitrinefest's multidisciplinary collection of visual arts, music, comedy and food & drink returns for an even bigger second edition across the Sud-Ouest.
  • Montreal scratch DJ, music producer, theatre producer, film composer, and visual artist @realkidkoala is performing their new multimedia show The Storyville Mosquito all weekend.
  • Pretty sure it ain't exactly 'legal', but there's supposed to be a party at Verdun Beach at 3pm with lots of drum and bass, techno and psytrance.

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Looks good, right? Let this be inspo for when Fleurs et Cadeaux is doing a kushiyaki pop-up at Bar Wills this weekend. | Photograph: Virginie Gosselin / @virginiegosselin


Scope the latest restaurant openings, recommendations on where to eat, plus new menus, old classics, and everything in between.

"Truly a reflection of who I am and what I stand for"

A project discreetly in the works since chef Danny Smiles announced his departure from Hudson’s Willow Inn in December 2023, Le Violon is easily filling the shoes of its address once held by its predecessor, Maison Publique. Here's why Montreal's so excited about this new project. (The Main)

Le Violon: Stepping into a painting of fine dining in the Plateau
Taking over the address that once housed Maison Publique, Le Violon is a new neighbourhood project that celebrates kinship and thoughtful, ingredient-driven cuisine.

Let's go to the Dep

As a locally-focused cultural magazine, we're working with the people who help enrich our city's identity by showing us just how beautiful and creative it is.

That's why we created the Dépanneur, where you can support locals, keep cash in the community, and connect with the people who are creating amazing things (every purchase also helps to support our editorial content, too).

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Here, you'll find a weekly round-up of the latest local news, from entertainment to current affairs and more.

An ongoing environmental crisis in Mohawk territory

"For months, George has investigated a scheme that’s seen thousands of truckloads of contaminated soil dumped throughout the Mohawk territory — taking down license plate numbers, recording cell phone videos and even confronting drivers over the contents of their trucks." (The Rover)

Riding Shotgun: A Tour of Kanesatake’s Secret Dumpsites – The Rover
An investigation by The Rover found major real estate developers using Mohawk territory as a landfill.

Montreal's 10 most dangerous intersections

Cyclists beware: These are the results of a survey of around 1,500 cyclists carried out by the Transportation Research (TRAM) group at McGill University reveal. (Le Devoir)

L’intersection Ontario/Berri est la plus dangereuse, selon les cyclistes
C’est ce que révèle un sondage mené par l’Université McGill auprès de 1500 personnes qui roulent dans la métropole.

"A Band-Aid on a gaping wound"

Moving Day, when a critical mass of Quebec leases expire, is just around the corner. But in the midst of a housing crisis, it’s become a time of desperation for many, as greater numbers of tenants are being forced to move and then realizing they have no place to go. (Montreal Gazette)

Allison Hanes: Montreal’s Moving Day has always been stressful. Now it’s a time of crisis
The city has been preparing emergency services for those who have no place to live on July 1. But that’s a Band-Aid on a gaping wound.

Montreal: A "Canadian town"

Just something to (maybe) get you riled up: We just love it when Insider runs a story from someone's perspective and it's just got so many odd notes, from putting a first-person photo of your apartment where you like to say you go people-watching to calling a croissant "gooey". (Insider)

A day in the life of someone who lives in Montreal — the ‘Paris of North America’
I live in Montreal, a Canadian city with a distinctly European feel. Some people even call it the Paris of North America. Here’s what a day is like.

French North America represent

In Montreal, 74,939 voters were registered during the 2024 EU elections. This figure could rise to 77,000 for the legislative elections, for a diaspora estimated at 200,000 people. Remember that Montreal represents the largest electoral list outside the European continent. (Radio-Canada)

Élections françaises : hausse d’électeurs à Montréal
Le vote électronique pour les élections législatives françaises débute mardi et plusieurs constatent un certain engouement de la diaspora de Montréal.

You knew, but yeah, it ain't good 📉

Tenants who have not yet found an apartment for the next year will have to expect to pay much more than what they were paying until now, warns the Rassemblement des comités logement et associations de locataires du Québec (RCLALQ) in its annual analysis of the price of housing available on Kijiji. (Pivot)

Le coût des logements disponibles continue de flamber – Pivot
La hausse du loyer moyen des logements disponibles est encore une fois très importante cette année.

Back when the underworld ruled Montreal

This tells the story of the power struggles between mayors and police in the Red Light era that was ended by Jean Drapeau and Pax Plante toward the end of the 1950s. It’s written by the granddaughter of Albert Langlois, chief of police at the time, who was accused of corruption. (Radio-Canada)

Vices et vérités : dans l’ombre du Red Light |
Sophie Langlois revient sur la carrière de son grand-père, chef de police à l’époque du Red Light.

Advice for art collectors

Based in Montreal with a presence in New York, Toronto, and London, Robin Rosenberg's full-service art advisory has established itself as an invaluable resource for collectors for more than two decades, specializing collection ideation, post-purchase logistics, and everything in between. (Artnet News)

Robin Rosenberg on Why You Should Prioritize Quality Over Quantity
Based in Montreal, Robin Rosenberg Fine Art is a full-service art advisory and undergoing an exciting expansion.

Keeping skin in the game

Bad times for the tattoo industry: Following the usual slow winter, spring has not kept its usual promise of bringing back traffic. Dependent on a clientele with disposable income reduced by inflation, tattoo artists are now struggling to make a living from their art. (Le Devoir)

Des tatoueurs se font un sang d’encre face à la baisse de la clientèle
Tributaires d’une clientèle au revenu amoindri par l’inflation, ils peinent aujourd’hui à vivre de leur art.

And that wraps yet another weekly bulletin. We’ll be back with more curiosities, local stories, and events to discover next week.

If ever you catch something we should know, don't hesitate to reach out to us on Instagram.

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