O-Taku Manga Lounge is a haven for Montreal’s manga enthusiasts and a slice of Japan in the heart of the city. Since opening in 2010, this unique space has brought the concept of a Manga Kissa or manga café to the province, offering what they say is the largest manga collection in French, English, and Japanese in North America.
At O-Taku, you can browse shelves filled with the latest releases or hard-to-find classics, shop for anime-themed merchandise, or sip bubble tea while soaking in the cozy, casual atmosphere. Their back lounge offers a pay-per-use space to read from an extensive manga library, attend classes in Japanese language or manga drawing, or participate in community events. Whether you’re a longtime otaku or just manga-curious, the staff’s enthusiasm and knowledge ensure you’ll feel at home.
With its blend of bookstore, café, and cultural hub, O-Taku Manga Lounge is a must-visit for anyone passionate about manga or Japanese culture.
3623 R. Saint-Denis
Opening Hours
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